Common Sense
“Common Sense is not so Common.”
Common Sense is an instinctual knowing from deep within that you are on the right path. It comes by experience as well as working under experienced people.
Common sense is an inborn sense that nature gives to everyone. That sense gives power to express and speak a thought randomly in natural way without any judgement. Common Sense is the Universal Truth of Laws of Nature of what is right and wrong.
What matters is what is pure in heart, common sense is beyond the intellectual mind. The enemies to a balanced Body, Mind and Soul are anxiety, high blood pressure and sleep disturbances which isolates and inhibits clear thinking. It leads to stubbornness, anger, denial, and refusal to co-operate.
Someone with common sense always has an active sixth sense. Intuition plays a very impactful role in the life of leader, business boss, politicians, scientist and spiritualists.
Sixth sense power helps to understand things before they happen in reality. Sixth sense has a connection with the soul. This sense gives strength to the gut feeling.
In the corporate world, teamwork and high productivity are synonymous with common sense thereby encouraging one another to remain focused and committed to finishing the task at hand as a team.
Senses help to give presumption thinking power, moods, understanding another person’s behaviour, attitude and gratitude.
Common Sense plays a very important role to strengthen or weaken a relationship. Sometimes people say “this is common sense you must know this”. For a good and gentle human being, common sense is very important.
The rule of life is common sense. Connect with yourself, to build intuition and common sense. Taking pauses, being mindful, being aware is the key to developing this beautiful human capability.