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Look Beyond

Those who wake up each day searching for new growth, understanding, and experiences are the few that attain the true pleasures of life. Individuals who think deeply about what they could change to better their life by listening to what their conscience, feelings, and environment tell them. The key to actual positive growth is to live life with an outward mindset, look past your ego, and reflect on what can be learned by your external circumstances each day. Subsequently bringing those perceptions and understandings inward to grow, adapt, and evolve as an individual. When we become complacent and no longer think critically or expansively about our own lives, we subconsciously limit the capacity of our potential. One must always look beyond to ensure active personal growth that is in alignment with his or her life purpose. You must leave behind all self-limiting thoughts to make room for the transcendence of your own destiny. Many people halt their growth without even realizing it, they are stubborn, unwilling to change, learn from others, or take constructive criticism. People tend to do this because this mindset keeps them safe and comfortable subconsciously; in other words, change is too uncomfortable for them. By releasing self-limiting thoughts, every individual makes room for motivating, positive, progressive thoughts to occupy space in the mind. We must constantly look beyond our qualifications, field of work, or current state of mind. Clearing out from our minds anything negative, limiting, or reductive. Looking beyond the scope of our own knowledge and understanding to find information and experiences that are a catalyst for new growth. Using each idea, achievement, and experience to find the interconnections and stepping stones between where we are and where we want to be.

Look Beyond
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