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Make Your Life Successful by Converting Failure into Success

“Where there is a will, there is a way”.
Success is going from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm and willpower
“Failure is SUCCESS in Progress”.
Success is the unwritten page on the code of your destiny. Anyone can be born rich or poor but no one is essentially born successful.
Success is a worked for result. It is 80% perspiration and 20% inspiration. Do Not let Failure define your personality. Let your Willpower and Determination be the mark of your being.
Success and Failure are the two sides of the same reality. And the reality is the relentless pursuit of your goals. Larger the strides, bigger are the challenges.
Success is deeply rooted with discipline, rejections, failures, criticism, determination, consistency, risks, sacrifices, time, patience, perspiration and hard work.
You experience sadness from failure and joy from success. Failure affects the soul and Success weakens the mind.
Develop a sense of self-worth and let go of all perfectionist tendencies. Wait a while, rebound with double energy. Trust the process, forgive yourself, be responsible and compassionate to all amidst failures.
“Failure is a part of Success”. The errors of the past are the guiding force of future success. Each failure brings you one step closer to success. Never dwelling upon their past mistakes, Looking Beyond is the mantra of all successful people.
“Success is failure turned inside out”. Today’s failures carry the seed of tomorrow’s success. Have a purpose so big that small failures do mot unsettle you. When the time is right, you will do a lot of wonderful things in life.
Reach out to an evolved Master who can be the guiding light of your life making the path easy and truthful.
End of the day success and failure are the two sides of the same coin. Worship, Prayers and Blessings often tilt the balance in your favor.

Make Your Life Successful by Converting Failure into Success
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