You are Brahmasmi
“You are Brahmasmi . You are Universe. You are not made for yourself. You are made for Everyone.”
Ultimate reality is God. Spirituality is a very difficult subject yet very simple. For understanding and learning God you do not need any qualification.
First of all, you have to feel “Aham Brahmasmi”, meaning I am complete ~ I am Universe. Everything that is in the universe, all important chemicals, all are inside you. It is a Yogic philosophy to describe the unity of the Atman (individual self or soul) with Brahman (the Absolute). These words are connected to prayer, meditation, and mantra chanting and are seen to be an integral part of self-exploration.
The only sound that the soul can properly listen is OM, which also generates vibrations that have the power to open and activate the third eye. When we pronounce OM, our soul and third eye both awaken and interconnect with the rhythm of OM and you begin to experience unity with the sound vibration of OM to feeling Aham Brahmasmi. OM's sound has a profound impact on a person's consciousness and reaches deep into his soul. Its vibrations move from the abdomen to the brain, and these sound vibrations have a significant impact on harmonizing our bodies. One experiences inner delight and begin to perceive the universe as his own body.
The connection between your inner realm to the Universe or Divine is tied by the sacred number 108. In many cultures around the world, 108 is considered holy and represents perfect balance with the universe. Chanting mantras sound 108 times is a repetitious practice that helps you become more self-aware and increases your awareness of higher vibrations of consciousness. A person can reach the path of knowledge and light by consistently practicing OM.
You are a Gift of God to the Universe. You are Not for Yourself. You are for Everyone. There is nothing to fix, nothing to change, only to be aware and let go.