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Iqbal Chand Malhotra
Awarded Film- Maker & Director
Karmic Debt, Atonement, & Past Life Regression
Iqbal Chand Malhotra holds a first-class degree in Economics from Queens’ College, Cambridge University. He is a Foundation Scholar of the College for life.
He is a black belt Sho Dan in Shotokan Karate-Do. He is also a master of Shinjuku Samurai Kihon Qi Gong.
He is the author of Red Fear-The China Threat, published by Bloomsbury in 2020 and has co-authored Kashmir’s Untold Story-Declassified also published by Bloomsbury in 2019.
He has won several national and international awards for the films he has produced and directed which are listed in the accompanying filmography.
He has been on the panel of final round of jurors for the International Emmy’s for several years running.

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